Friday, November 13, 2009

Follow me!

Hi there. Thanks to everyone for commenting on the previous post. It's usually good to use humor in awkward situations that always happen from time to time. Last week I was walking in my neighborhood and a man sitting on a restaurant patio shouted that age old question, "How tall are you?" I replied with a "None of your business" and controlled myself enough to omit the expletive ;) Anyways, I get emails quite often from people who like the blog. Why don't y'all follow me? I put my followers right on the top of the page. You, yes you, should join in! Let's really try to create a community here--and I'm really going to make an effort to post more often. Also, I finally succombed to Twitter, though I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with it yet. Anyone have tips on how best to use it??? I feel very un-hip and old not knowing. Speaking of old, my birthday's Tuesday! Yay! Too bad that's the day we lay out the newspaper so I will be at work aalllll day and night. Maybe I'll take a break from InDesign to post.


jheri said...

Hey there. I was checking the list of blogs I follow and saw a new post by you.

Do you find different amounts of comments from different places you have lived? I'm in Denmark now where people are careful about what they say. It is very different when I visit Italy on business. Not only are people a it shorter, the men are much more forward.

Over time I've come to try to assume that people don't know how to react. I've had some good conversations from this, but there are times when it gets too much.

What we need are applications on mobiles. When someone asks a question you say "wait - I need some advice on that", a call goes through and someone else gives you a great line. The idea of calling for help like that would be wonderful - you could even hand the phone to them.

I have some good stories of myself and others from that that might have been painful at the time, but they are funny now.

Here is a link to a tall friend's blog with photos that will make you nod

How is your newspaper work going?

and happy birthday!

Jheri out

Happy birthday tomorrow!

from somewhere said...

i have a friend who is also tall and a woman, she gets the same question. One would think people would realize that is a rude question to ask, especially when they have to figure how many times that question has been asked! But people continue to amaze me with their stupidity and useless questions.

Twitter is alright. I know some people use it as a marketing tool while others just use it to follow friends. In order to use it you have to answer a very simple questions...WHY are you using it? and WHAT do you want people to get out of it? Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Aha! Finally a blog I can follow about height :)A shame you are in America and not in London! Please write about the clothes and shoes you wear, if you adjust them and where you get them from, pretty please...
Twitter is great, you can only write in short sentences and then maybe add links to your blog.

Unknown said...

hi mam
i am crazy about tall girls. will u please tell me your exact u wear high heels

Unknown said...

hi Becky....
How r u been????